Friday, April 17, 2009

Party of Five?

So the week before Easter i was out of commision Monday thru Wednesday. Thursday rolled around and i went back to work but on my break i went straight home and took a nap. Something about sleeping all those hrs a day and then just bouncing back into staying awake didn't sound like a good idea to me!
That afternoon when i went back to work i got a phone call from my mom saying that my sister Rosalee was in the hospital having horrible pains in her lungs and they thought that it might be blood clots in her lungs. That scared the shit out of me!! It turned out later to be plueracy and not blood clots, which i was very happy about. They say that plueracy is VERY painful, but at least you can't die from it like a pulmonary embolism! My mom asked me to go get her boys, James and Jackson, from their daycare as soon as i got out of work.
I went from death bed to mother of 5 in one day. It was insane! I had to rush around the house and child proof it because Jack is a huge pain in the butt who gets into everything. The 5 kids, Andrew 9, Abigail, 5, Alaina, 2, James 3, and Jack 18months, played outside while i baby proofed the house and made dinner. Then it was bath time... wow, that was fun.
Jackson actually went right to sleep at 8pm, thank God! James wanted to watch a movie so he did in Andrew's room with Andrew. The girls, Jason, and i went downstairs to pass out. I was exausted! Having all those kids was a lot of work!
Friday was Good Friday and my mom had the day off of work so she took the boys to daycare and i went to work. Jeremiah had the girls this weekend so i was quite pissy about having Rosalee's boys when i didnt even have my own kids, but there wasn't much i could do about it. My mom picked them up from daycare, which was nice not to have to rush there and get them. They boys really loved playing outside and it wasn't too bad of weather, a little cold maybe, but we had them bundled up in pink mittens and pink hats. It was funny but we didn't have any of their things so there wasn't much else to do about that!
Saturday i had to work so my mom was stuck with them angel boys again. After work i went out to Mulliken to get the girls then we were home by 5 to be with our Party of Five kids again. Being the day before Easter there were a lot of things that needed to be done. My mom was trying to cook all day, which was very challenging with the boys underfoot.
I had 3 dozen eggs that needed to be colored and five eager children just waiting to "help." We started the coloring process around 7pm and it was finally done at 9:30pm. I had to let each child do one thing at a time or else it got too crazy, which it really already was chaotic!! Jack kept grabbing eggs and dropping them. I didn't really let him color any, i just tried to keep him away as best i could. Jason ended up chasing him around most of the time. He wasn't very content with just watching everyone do it! Overall the egg coloring festivities were very fun for the kids, mildly stressful for me, but knowing that the kids loved it made it worth it.
Easter was beautiful weather so we had to have an outdoor egg hunt. Jack was sleeping during it, which was fine with me cuz he is TROUBLE!! My sister Lesa came with her new baby Brandon and the kids had a lot of fun. We wanted to take a pic of allthe kids in their Easter outfits with the new baby but no one dared to wake up Jack so we are having a reinactment of Easter next week.
Rosalee finally came a collected her boys around 5pm... it was the happiest moment of the weekend!! I love my nephews but i was not sad to see them go! Bye-bye, party of five!

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