Thursday, March 26, 2009

Motivations for my "Body for LIFE"

My "global Motivations" are-
1. To remove weight
2. To feel energized
3. To get fit and healthy
4. To feel better about myself physically and mentally
5. To be able to shop for clothes and be happy
6. To manage stress in positive ways.

MANTRA- I am so happy now that I am thin, healthy, and fit.

My "Target motivations" are-

1. I want to prove to myself that I can do this and follow through with it.
2. I want to love myself as much as I love my family.
3. I want my kids to be proud of me.
4. I want to be a good example to my children.
5. I want to be a good mom and teach them how to live a healthy life.
6. I want to look good in my wedding dress!!

Run from/ Run to MANTRAS

Run from neglecting my body. Run to things that bring me joy.

Run from being a bad example to my children, run to mentoring Andrew, Abigail, and Alaina.

Run from fatigue and joylessness, run to fit and powerful.

Run from fat rolls, run to looking great!

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