Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Road Blocks...

So they say your going to run into obsticals when it comes to taking care of yourself and I have hit a few walls here!! Saturday I worked from 7 to 330 and then I sat at the hospital with my sis Lesa until 5pm waiting on the results of her labwork to decide if she was going to be admitted to start labor or not. I wanted to walk around and stay moving while I was waiting but she was so swollen and sore I felt bad so I just stayed sitting in the lobby with her and Nate and Jason. The results came back and the dr said she could either go upstairs and get induced or come back the next day, Sunday, at 9am. So Lesa chose to go home.
Jason and I left the hospital and we were both starving so we went to Arbys. I had a healthyish sandwich and minimal fries :P Then we went to Mulliken to get the girls. I was starting to feel achy and sick like I was getting a cold. Abby and Lainey were both sickish too, weather or something. We all went home and laid around watching movies. I gave everyone a round of cough medicine and we passed out. I was coughing my head off!! UGH!!
I didn't wake up until 9:30 AM!! Ok, to any normal person that might not seem like I slept in, but I usually get up at 5am on a work day and "sleeping in" is 7am so seeing 930 on the clock was kinda a shocker!! My mom went to a wedding Saturday night and I had told her that i would be her D.D if she needed but I didn't wake up to hear the phone!! I felt bad but she got a ride from someone else. I got up and threw on a jacket and I went to Meijer to get some more cough medicine and took my mom to her car. I got some coffee and felt a little bit better.
Jason and I made banana pancakes for everyone and then we loaded the kids up in the van to go see my grandma Davison because it was her bday. Then we took Lainey back to the house because she was tired and needed a nap.
Jason, Andrew, Abigail, and I went to the Sun theater and saw Coraline for 2 bucks a person. There were only a few other ppl in there and it was cold and rainy/snowyish so we thought what the hay. The movie was a cartoon but it was actually kinda scary!! I was scared anyway!! So we watched the movie and went home. My mom made chicken enchilladas and everyone was coughing again so we did another round of cough syrup and went to bed early.
Monday came and Rose and I were going to go to the gym but Lesa called me from the hospital and asked us to come up there and sit with her. She still did not have any progress and we wanted to come see her so we did. We hung out there for 2 hrs then I went back to work. I was STILL feeling crummy and I think a lot of it had to do with not working out since Friday!! I am not going to give up tho!! These are my road blocks and I am going to go to Plan B, Plan C, Plan D... all the way to Plan Z if I have to!!!

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